Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Pride isnt a vice its a way to become your best self
Pride isnt a vice its a way to become your best selfPride isnt a vice its a way to become your best selfJessica Tracy is a professor of psychology at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada, where she also directs the Emotion and Self Lab. Her research focuses on emotions and emotion expression, especially on the self-conscious emotions of pride and shame. Her most recent book on the subject is Take Pride Why the Deadliest Sin Holds the Secret to menschenfreundlich Success. She joined Ryan Hawk, host of The Learning Leader Show, to discuss the difference between good and bad pride, and how pride can push us to succeed.This conversation has been edited and condensed. To listen to Jessica and Ryans full conversation on The Learning Leader Show, click here.Ryan Youve been conducting scientific research on the emotion of pride for over a decade. How did you first get interested in this topic?Jessica I saw emotions as the basic building blocks of everything that we do. H ow people relate to each other. Why people are different from one aleidher. Everything we do is driven by a desire to feel something. I really wanted to study that. When I got to grad school, my adviser, Rick Robins, his expertise welches on the self things like self-esteem, self-enhancement, how we see ourselves and understand ourselves. When we put our heads together, we realized that the emotions that are most important to our sense of self are what we call self-conscious emotions. These are emotions like pride, shame, and guilt. Theyre all about how we feel about ourselves.Once we got into it, we realized that while there was some research on shame and guilt- the negative self-conscious emotions- there really was almost nothing out there on pride. When you discover something like that as a scientist in any field, you realize, Thats where I want to go. I want to see if I can figure that out.Ryan What is pride?Jessica Pride is a positive self-conscious emotion. We feel it when we see ourselves as meeting or even exceeding some goal that we have for identity, for the kind of person we want to be. Pride is what we feel when were like, You know what? Im doing something or becoming something that I really want to be.Ryan There are a couple types of pride- good and bad. The bad would be hubristic pride and good would be authentic pride. Can you explain the difference between the good and bad versions of pride?Jessica Pride is not just one thing. This creates a ton of confusion in the English language because we use the same word to refer to both these things. Thats why many people think of pride as a deadly sin and something we shouldnt experience- theyre thinking of hubristic pride in particular. Hubristic pride is all about a sense of superiority. It typically goes with feelings of arrogance, conceitedness, egotism. Hubristic pride makes people feel like theyre better than others and like they should put others down as a way of feeling good about themselves.Aut hentic pride is really different. Thats more about a sense of confidence, genuine feelings of self-worth, accomplishment, achievement, productivity. We know that were putting in the effort that we need to achieve a particular goal. It could be about being a good partner, being a good parent, doing good for our community. All these kinds of things can make us feel the sense of authentic pride. Its about feeling that youre on track to becoming the kind of person that you want to be.Authentic pride . . . is about feeling that youre on track to becoming the kind of person that you want to be.Ryan Social media is interesting when it comes to pride. Im interested in hubristic pride and its function when we all post the best 5% of our lives on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc. Im certainly in that boat. I dont post negative or boring or bad-looking pictures of my life. Usually, its fun things with my family or maybe travels or vacations. Whats the science behind that impulse?Jessica When we feel good about ourselves, one of the things that we automatically are motivated to do is share that with others. Its a way of maximizing those pride feelings- the more praise we get from others, the more that we can enhance those feelings in ourselves.That is a large part of why people post on Facebook or Twitter. It is a way of maintaining the pride experience. It becomes really complicated, though, because theres a limit to how much we can do that before it becomes hubristic. Its one thing to let your friends and family know about your success, but once you start focusing only on praise, that is where things convert to hubristic pride.The more praise we get from others, the more that we can enhance those feelings in ourselves.Lance Armstrong is a classic example of someone who, early in his life, was motivated by a desire to feel authentic pride. The desire to be the fastest cyclist in the world and put in all those hours on a bike even when its painful and tiring, thats drive n by this desire to feel authentic pride. To become a certain kind of person. Its really admirable. Then we know something changed.Once Lance reached a particular level, he decided that, rather than basing his sense of self on how fast he genuinely can go, he wanted to give himself something extra. We know he started doping and cheating in various ways. Once a person does that, then their success is no longer based on their authentic sense of self. If youre cheating, then any praise youre getting, any success that youre achieving isnt based on who you really are. Its based on this artificial or deceptive sense of self. Thats hubristic pride.Ryan What about pride in the workplace? Specifically when it comes to leaders, managers- whats the difference between a great boss, a great leader, and the poor ones, in terms of pride?Jessica The two kinds of pride are linked to two very different kinds of leadership styles. Both styles actually get people power. Both are effective, in the sense of being seen as a powerful person and actually having influence over others. Theyre incredibly different in terms of the behaviors that these leaders engage in and how theyre seen by others and what the long term outcomes are. Authentic pride basically motivates people to want to work hard to achieve. The result of that is people who are driven by authentic pride end up becoming the kind of leader that we call prestigious.These are leaders who get power because they have a lot to contribute. They know a lot. Theyre very skilled. Theyre nice- this is really important. They care about others. We found that when people feel authentic pride, not only do they feel good about themselves but they also tended to feel a greater sense of empathy toward others, especially people who are different than them.Now, people who feel hubristic pride, the kind of power they get is really different. They think theyre better than everyone else. They tend to engage in behaviors that are not co-social. Theyre aggressive. They often will put others down in order to feel good about themselves. The leadership that results from this is called dominance. We find that followers actually give these people power. They see them as powerful, but not because they like these people. Because followers are afraid of a dominant leader, they end up giving them power.When people feel authentic pride, not only do they feel good about themselves but they also tended to feel a greater sense of empathy toward others, especially people who are different than them.Ryan You suggested in the book that these people who feel hubristic pride dont feel great about themselves. Deep down, theyre quite insecure. We all know people like this who have the false sense of hubristic pride. We can tell by just being around them that theres actually a deep level of insecurity.Jessica Thats absolutely true. This is the case with narcissists. Narcissists are people who feel a lot of hubristic pride. Theres been a lot of evidence that suggests that insecurity is the reason they need to constantly tell you how great they are, constantly brag and also put others down. People with genuine high self-esteem have a secure sense of their own self-worth.Studies have shown this. In one, researchers have people write an essay and get feedback on it. Theyre told the feedback is from another student. Of course, its actually from the researcher. This feedback is pretty harsh. It says things like, This is the worst essay Ive ever read and is all marked up in red.Someone who genuinely feels good about themselves is going to see that negative feedback and probably think something like, Well, you know, I didnt really work hard on the essay. I spent five minutes on it. That guy is a jerk. Who cares? Im going to let it go. Narcissists cant really handle that negative feedback. It goes to their core, even though its an essay they spent five minutes on and they dont really care about.In the next part of the study, they are told they get to play a video game with the person who just gave them feedback. Whenever the person does something wrong in the game, they get to blast them with loud noise. They get to choose how loud they want to set the noise or how often they want to blast. What these studies find is that the more narcissistic people are, the more loudly and frequently they will blast these other people. It suggests that narcissists cant handle being critiqued. They have to punish these people. Its this real aggressive response that we see in dominant leaders. I think the only way to make sense of it is that there is this underlying defensiveness going on. You have to protect this fragile sense of self.Ryan It felt to me like you were describing Donald Trump to a tee.Jessica I agree. Its rare to see a public figure so blatantly demonstrate that kind of grandiosity on such a regular basis. Hes the perfect example. Of course, I wrote the book before he was running for president, but I absolute ly think he used these tactics to get ahead. You can look at how he won the primary election. It really was by threatening and intimidating anyone who wanted to critique him.Anyone who wanted to critique him, whether it was an opponent in the Republican primary or just a Republican activist who didnt like what he was doing or the way he was saying things, he would berate them. He would humiliate them on Twitter. He would insult them. He would call them names. It was incredibly effective because what these people found was the punishment wasnt worth it.Ryan What are some of the things that surprised you in your research over the last 10 years?Jessica A number of things have been surprising, especially the fact that dominance is an effective way of getting power. Its upsetting because we want the people who give, who care about others, to be the only ones to have power. Thats not what we found. In fact, in one of our studies, the groups that were led by someone dominant actually outpe rformed those other groups. Why that happened is because you have a limited amount of time to solve a problem. So, someone whos high in prestige, one thing they care about is reaching consensus. They really want to hear from everyone. They want to honor everyones opinion. This encourages a lot of creative, out-of-the-box thinking, but there are times where that can really slow things down.We want the people who give, who care about others, to be the only ones to have power. Thats not what we found.Ryan This reminds me of Lorne Michaels. Lorne Michaels has created this incredible environment and culture with Saturday Night Live to be inclusive of all the cast members ideas. They created psychological safety amongst the group to listen to all. In line with your research, it makes sense to say that Lorne Michaels has a lot of prestige.Jessica If you are leading a team of creatives, I think it absolutely makes sense to go with the prestige strategy.Ryan I was speaking with Andrew Warner , another great podcaster, and he talked to me about Dean Karnazes. Id love for you to discuss pride in the story of Dean Karnazes.Jessica Hes such an inspiring example. This is a story that comes up early on in my book. Dean was a successful businessman, had his MBA, lived in San Francisco, was married, just a very happy guy. When he turned 30, though, he woke up with a feeling that something was missing from his life. To me, this really resonates. So many of us have gone through this experience where things are fine. Were successful or at least were becoming successful. Weve got a job. Weve got a partner. Everything is in place in terms of where we think our life should be. Yet we all of a sudden get this sense that something is missing. Typically, thats because were not finding a way to feel a real sense of authentic pride and the kind of self we want to be.Dean didnt know what was going on. He reflected on the couple of times in his life where he had experienced a real sense of pride. They werent when he was working in his corporate job. They were when he did something that was physically punishing.Listen to those feelings and use them to try to figure out how to become the best person that you want to be.He talks about when he was a child and he decided to ride his bike from his parents house in Los Angeles to his grandparents in Pasadena. Thats about 40 miles. He was 10 years old, had no idea where he was going but he did it. He just felt this incredible sense of pride after getting there. He talks about the time when he ran a particularly grueling race on the track team when he was in high school. That was his moment of real pride. He realized that being physical and physically punishing himself, that was a huge part of who he was in terms of feeling a real sense of the kind of self that he wanted to be. Having this moment of epiphany, he left the bar and just started running.He ended up running all the way from his home in San Francisco down to Half Mo on Bay, which is about 30 miles away. He ran basically all night long. This is someone who literally hadnt run in 15 years. He had this epiphany while running that this was what he wanted to be doing with his life. This was what he had been missing. A lot of people would have that epiphany and decide. Okay. Now, Im going to start running marathons. Now, Im going to start running on the weekends. For him, it went even further.He managed to find a way to give up his business career and actually become a full-time runner and stab und sttze himself off that, which took several years. We all evolve to want to create those feelings of pride, of figuring out who you want to be. Listen to those feelings and use them to try to figure out how to become the best person that you want to be.Ryan I think that sounds like a great idea. I love it. However, the implementation and execution is an important question for me. How can I do that?Jessica You raise a really important point. Its easy for Dea n Karnazes, whos already successful and financially stable, to make this massive career shift. Its not so easy for people who like you said, are working day-to-day, hour-to-hour to pay off a mortgage or support a family. Its a totally different situation. In those cases, though, it doesnt mean it cant be done. Its just a matter of how you find that sense of pride. If you need that job or you cant give up that job for various financial reasons, see if theres a way that you can find that sense of pride outside of your work.If theres a way that you can shift things career-wise to get that sense of pride in your work, do it. People who manage to find a job that give them a full sense of authentic pride are the lucky ones. Its not feasible for everyone. In those cases, I would seek some other way. If you see yourself as someone who needs to be creative and youre not getting that outlet in your work, is there a photography class or a pottery class you could take on the weekend? Can you bu y a set of paintbrushes and paints and get into that?Thi article first appeared on Heleo.
Friday, November 22, 2019
10 Tips on How to Break down Manager-Employee Barriers
10 Tips on How to Break down Manager-Employee Barriers10 Tips on How to Break down Manager-Employee BarriersHow to better connect and communicate with your employees.Clear internal communication is absolutely essential for a business to function. It prevents confusion about tasks and goals. It also contributes significantly to positive employee engagement with the company and with each other, therefore making for a mora productive team.The biggest obstacle to great communication is the manager/employee barrier, where managers are worried about becoming too friendly with people they are in charge of, and employees find it difficult to relate to those they perceive to possess more authority than they do. To break down this barrier, try implementing these ten tips.Hold regular one-on-one meetingsBuild individual relationships with your team, free from distractions. That includes closing your office door, putting the computer to sleep and keeping mobiles on silent. Encourage your employe es to speak freely with you away from the rest of the team. You will probably find them opening up more than they might within the group, and it will allow you to learn what they think of their work as well.Make time for a chatIt can be difficult to have a non-work conversation at work.Try and make time to chatwith your staff. One way to do this is to have a 15-minute team huddle at the beginning of the day to see how everyones doing. This allows you to relate to your team as people, rather than simply as employees.Talk face-to-faceEmail may have become the default method of workplace communication, but it also creates an unexpected barrier because you are no longer communicating face-to-face. It may be fast, convenient and mean that communications are in writing and easily surfaced if required, but nothing builds relationships like in-person interaction.Email can also be easily misconstrued quite. As Inc. put it words on a page or screen lack the context, tone and nonverbal cues t hat help people understand your meaning in person. When in doubt, talk face-to-face.Ask open-ended questionsOpen-ended questions provide an opportunity for you to hear everything someone has to say, rather than just zeroing in on what you want to know. Theyre also an invitation for the other person to talk.Be sure to listen to the response. Dont schliff other peoples sentences or second guess what theyre going to say. You just might learn something.Be open with your employeesTrust is quickly rewarded. Be open with your employees about whats going on in the company. It will help break down any us vs. them mentality and make employees feel more included in the organization as a whole, as well as more valued by you for placing your trust in them.Meet fears head-onThe biggest barrier to effective communication is fear. Let your employees know how important their feedback and ideas are, and assure them that a wrong word wont result in loss of confidence, or worse, disciplinary action. Ad dress any concerns they have with the organization or their jobs in an honest, straightforward manner.Create formal feedback processesSuggestion boxes may seem hackneyed, but implementing a process where employees can offer feedback gives a clear signal that critical eingabe is welcome. Offering anonymity may be necessary to remove the fear of repercussions for saying the wrong thing, especially in the early stages.Reward successful inputActively reward successful input. This can be as little as taking the time to thank employees for contributions, or could be more formalized, like awarding an employee a trophy when their input solves a problem. Public recognition can encourage others to put ideas forward.Take feedback seriouslyEven if you disagree, be sure to take all feedback seriously. You want to create a culture of openness where your employees feel comfortable expressing themselves. Theres no quicker way of destroying that culture than dismissing valid, sensible input when it comes.Develop a coaching cultureThere are innumerable benefits to developing a coaching culture, not least of which is fostering a more collaborative approach to problem solving. Matt Driscoll of Thales Learning Development says If people come to their managers with problems, those managers should always be asking questions Why? How can we resolve this? A coaching approach makes employees feel more like theyre working with you rather than for you. Photo Source Shutterstock
Thursday, November 21, 2019
ASME Foundation to Sponsor High School FIRST Team
ASME Foundation to Sponsor High School FIRST Team ASME Foundation to Sponsor High School FIRST Team ASME Foundation to Sponsor High School FIRST TeamASME and the ASME Foundation have had a long-standing relationship with the FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) Robotics Competitions. The competition connects practicing engineers and university faculty and students with high school students to build innovative robotic devices to compete in sophisticated mechanical challenges.Through the years, ASME members have volunteered their time by serving as mentors to individual teams, as judges or referees at FIRST events across the country, and in other areas that promote the mission of FIRST to inspire young people to be engineering, science and technology leaders. Each year, the ASME Foundation awards five scholarships in the amount of $5,000 each to graduating high school seniors whose FIRST experience has inspired an interest in pursuing a career in mechanica l engineering.The ASME Foundation is now taking this relationship to the next level by sponsoring and supporting an individual FIRST team. The Foundation chose a student team from Paul Laurence Dunbar High School in Washington, D.C., as the team it will sponsor and support during the 2014 FIRST Competition cycle. Dunbar High School, a public high school that was founded in 1865, has a curriculum that emphasizes a commitment to developing individual talent and strengths in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM). The school is so committed to STEM education that it has created a small, specialty school within their larger school community called the Dr. Charles Drew STEM Pre-Engineering Academy. Dunbars 2014 FIRST team will consist of students from the Academy. Dunbar High School has been competing in FIRST for the past couple of years. During the 2013 lokal competition, the Dunbar team made it to the last round undefeated only to have their robot malfunction midway through the competition. But now with the support of the ASME Foundation, the Dunbar Robotics Club has a renewed sense of purpose, and the students are thrilled to finally have access to the resources and guidance necessary to raise their level of competitiveness. ASME members and student members in the Washington, D.C., area who would like to offer their expertise and work with the Dunbar High School team as mentors should contact Dora Nagy, development associate, ASME Foundation, at for more information. To learn more about the FIRST Robotics Competition, visit For more information about the ASME Foundation and its various initiatives, visit - Dora Nagy, ASME Foundation
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